“He Made The Blind to See”
1. Christ made the blind in flesh to see,
And gave redeeming sight to me;
He healed the lame and made them whole;
O, praise His Name, He healed my soul.
I know not how He pierced the night
And brought to me salvation’s sight,
But this I know of surety,
That I was blind and now I see.
2. In boundless love and sympathy,
Christ stooped to heal and ransom me;
Now I can know His peace and pow’r;
He walks with me each day and hour.
Test: Charlotte E. Arnold
Music: John C. Hallett
© Copyright 1963, by the Rodeheaver Co.
Charlotte Arnold, one of John’s collaborators, presents a biblical principle in this text.
The scripture says, “first the natural, then the spiritual.” v. 46 “The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.” ((1 Corinthians 15:46)
First the natural: Jesus made the blind to see.
Then the spiritual: He gave redeeming sight to me;
First the natural: He healed the lame and made them whole;
Then the spiritual: O, praise His Name, He healed my soul.
In nature we have some examples of dramatic changes: Caterpillar becomes a butterfly through the process of metamorphasis . Also, The tadpole becomes a frog.
How do we receive information?
- Visually: through the eye gate. We learn by seeing, watching, visual associations
- Auditory: through the ear gate. We learn by listening to verbal instructions. Remembering sounds of words, music!
- Kinaesthetically: through feelings and emotions. “Hands on” learning by doing, becoming involved and actually doing something. “Tactile” = perceptible by the touch; tangible.
For example: God’s working in the spiritual. Study these two passages:
Luke 11:9-10 “ask,” (auditory), “seek,” (visually), “knock” ( kinesthetically)
I John 1:1 “We have heard” (auditory), “we have seen” (visually), “our hands have touched” (kinesthetically)
So, in our understanding of God, know that He starts with the known and leads us into the realm of the spiritual.
“I know not how He pierced the night and brought to me salvation’s sight,
But this I know of surety that I was blind and now I see.”
We may not be able to explain exactly how God works in our life, but we can say with Charlotte Arnold, who echoed the blind man healed by Jesus: “One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" (John 9:25)
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