Sunday, February 15, 2009

John Hallett F

Continuing in John Hallett: From A - Z

John had a countless number of friends. Pages could be written on this subject, but let me include an amazing letter by one of his students, Jim Parlier, who later went on to a marvelous missionary career in Papua New Guinea. (Click on the page to the left to enlarge it so you can read the letter)

Dr. James Borror, a friend of John’s, shared the following at Joh’s memorial service in 2000.

“As you have already seen, the caliber of the music and the musicians tells you about the caliber of the man, John Hallett. But also, something of his friends tells you something of his caliber. They say a man is known by the company he keeps. John was one of those that managed to keep great company. Some people know a lot of the people around the country because they moved around so much. John didn’t move around that much, but he knew a lot of great people. I was constantly being introduced to men and women that I knew only their names, and stood in awe of that. John would tell us, “I want you to meet my friend, my pal.” And they would always agree. One of those friends is Dr. Kelly Bihl. Himself, president of Bible Colleges and president of Youth for Christ and uh, I think, the best Bible teacher I’ve ever heard in my lifetime. And a much loved Sunday school teacher. Kelly was John’s friend in a very special way. We’re so delighted that he could come today to share with us in a eulogy of John.”


In addition to his great musical talents, John also had another gift: growing flowers! He kept his yard decorated with the most beautiful floral displays including amazing rose bushes and beautiful hanging baskets!

The pictures above are some evidences of his floral artistry.

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