Continuing in
John Hallett: From A to Z
K = King Margaret King, one of his co-writers
John Hallet collaborated with a number of different people on his songwriting. There are many advantages to collaboration. Paul Baloche and Jimmy and Carol Owens, three talented writers who have blessed the church over the last numbers of years with great songs, encourage collaboration.
“Synergism: Co-writing has its advantages. It can unlock writer’s block, and it’s a great way to develop your craft….(in co-writing) Each writer bring something different to the table: new ideas, hooks, images, words; new styles or techniques…Remember Solomon’s advice, ‘Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up.’ (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a (NIV).
But, collaboration is an art, and it’s not for the faint hearted. Check your ego at the door. What’s needed here are humility and teachableness…..You’ll need to be humble enough to accept a new direction or toss a pet idea…if a better one comes along.” (Baloche, Paul and Jimmy and Carol Owens. God Songs, How to Write and Select Songs for Worship. Lindale, TX: leadworship.com, 2004.)
Margaret King was one of John’s collaborators. She wrote wonderful texts. We learn more about Margaret from an interview I had with Ruth Hallett on May 17, 2007.
Ruth: She (Margaret King) was a precious jewel that woman. She used to write poetry. She invited the staff from First Baptist Church of Lakewood to have lunch with her. So, she tells the story that they got out in the car and Johnnie opened the door and yelled to her, “Margaret, do you write words?”
And she said, “Well, Johnnie, I do write poetry but never wrote words for a song.” So he said, “Come in to my office. Can you come in tomorrow” (or something like that) “and we’ll talk.”
So she said she went in fear and trembling. And he sat down with her and told her…he had a song he needed words for right away. And I don’t know if that’s the one she wrote for…what’s the guy that always wears the white shoes? Pat Boone…I think that’s the song… The words she wrote. I think that could be.
Ruth: He (Johnnie) would call her, “Margaret, I’m working…” He’d play the piano, put the telephone in the piano and she’d listen and they’d work on music all the time, the two of them. She was a lovely lady. She was a school teacher. Her husband was a principal of a school. She lost her husband the year my brother died in Viet Nam. It was like ’68. And so we became real good friends. Lovely lady. And she died. She had a stroke.
Roger: So John collaborated with a number of different people.
Ruth: Like Allan and her.
Roger: did Margaret go to church with you?
Ruth: Oh, yes. She was the head of the S.S…a fine Christian lady.
Roger: Was she an English teacher?
Ruth: Probably. She was lovely lady. She lived out in the desert somewhere and she would say how she was friends with the squirrels and the animals…And she would write her poetry.....she had such a good sense of humor. I used to day, “Margaret, Every song you end up with King, because that’s your name. (laughter) Always put your name in a song.”
Birthday Card
In an un-dated Birthday Card (last page in photo above), Margaret King wrote (alongside the text of the card)
Ode to the richest man on earth!
Dear Friend,
You are rich, Johnnie, in the quality of life you have lived. (p. 1)
You are rich in the multitude and quality of friends you have. (p. 2)
You are rich in the distance you have reached on this earth, both to see and to influence with your life and your music. (p. 3)
You are rich in the God who loves you and who you serve.
And you are rich in the unique and lovely companion He gave you.
(card text) May this birthday
be just the beginning
of a year filled with
happy memories
wonderful moments
and shining dreams.
(and she added) And my love,
Margaret (signed) (last page)
Sample of Margaret’s writing:
That Glorious Day
Lyrics by Margaret King
Verse One
No tears tomorrow O blessed promise!
With burdens ended we’ll weep no more;
His joyful presence will banish sorrow
In God’s tomorrow, forever more.
No tears tomorrow, no sadness there,
No tears tomorrow, no pain or care;
All grief and heartaches He’ll take away,
In God’s tomorrow that glorious day!
Verse Two
No night, no darkness He’ll be our sunlight,
The broken hearted once more will sing
No pain, no dying in that great homeland
Where God will meet us and be our king.
No tears tomorrow, no sadness there,
No tears tomorrow, no pain or care;
All grief and heartaches He’ll take away,
In God’s tomorrow that glorious day!
Have You Ever Heard That the Lord Loves You?
Lyrics by Margaret King
Have you ever heard that the Lord loves you
So much He was willing to die for you?
He’s planned such a beautiful life for you
That you would love Him as He loves you.
So turn back to God, He will heal your soul.
Now give Him your life He will make it whole.
Let Him be your guide as the days unfold.
You will find there is love, there is peace, there is joy,
And life everlasting for you.
Oh, there is a gift, a beautiful gift
That’s waiting for you my friend.
If you will believe it is yours to receive
A treasure that has no end.
Have you ever heard that the Lord that the loves
So much He was willing to die for you?
He’s planned such a beautiful life for you
That you would love Him as He loves you
So turn back to God, He will heal your soul.
Now give Him your life He will make it whole.
Let Him be your guide as the days unfold.
You will find there is love, there is peace, there is joy,
And life everlasting for you.
By Your Side
Lyrics by Margaret King and Leroy C. Weber
John Hallett and Allan Davies
Verse One
Let me come to a place by Your side loving Lord.
Let me feel the warm touch of Your hand.
Fill my mind with Your wisdom, my heard with Your love,
And my soul with Your kind understanding.
I bring You my failures, my weaknesses too.
I bring You my sorrows and give them all to You.
Touch me Lord with Your spirit, oh sweet Holy Spirit.
Gentle Lord shine thru me as You long to do.
Verse Two
Help me place all my cares at Your feet, loving Lord
And my future I leave in your hand.
Help me trust in your promise rely on Your word
With a peace passing all understanding.
I bring You my failures, my weaknesses too.
I bring You my sorrows and give them all to You.
Touch me Lord with Your spirit, oh sweet Holy Spirit.
Gentle Lord shine thru me as You long to do.
I bring You my failures, my weaknesses too.
I bring You my sorrows and give them all to You.
Touch me Lord with Your Spirit, oh sweet Holy Spirit
Gentle Lord shine thru me as You long to do.
Let me come to a place by Your side
Only there is my soul satisfied.