W = Webber, Leroy C.
“John Hallett came to Long Hill Chapel (New Jersey) in the Spring of 1955 and his music ministry here is well know and deeply appreciate by the Chapel fellowship. There has been a great growth in both the quality and breadth of the musical activities under his leadership.” Notes are from the program (attached) in which “Long Hill Chapel Bides Farewell To John Hallett” October 15, 1967.
Leroy C. Webber was the pastor or Long Hill Chapel and John was the Minister of Music. They not only worked together in ministry but also collaborated on a number of songs. Here are some of the songs for which he wrote the lyrics, including the last song John wrote.
The Music of Angels
The music of angels,
The star’s silver light,
The gold of the Magi,
God’s glory that night,
All welcomed the Christ Child,
As, humbled by birth,
The hightest of heaven
Lies cradled on earth.
So humble the shepherds,
Who bowed at His feet,
So regal the wise men,
In Jesus they meet,
A rude lowly stable,
A start at His birth,
The wonder of ages
When heaven meets earth.
Lyrics: Leroy C. Webber
Music: John C. Hallett
So Very Small
So very small, so very small,
This Baby Who is Lord of all,
The gift of love
Sent from above,
For me, for me.
So very small, so very small,
That voice is the cattle stall,
I humbly bow
And crown Him now,
My King, my King.
So very small, so very small,
This heart mine, it is my all,
This gift I bring
To Christ my King,
Today, today.
Lyrics: Leroy C. Webber
Music: John C. Hallett
Ruth: "The last song Johnnie composed."
The music of angels,
The star’s silver light,
The gold of the Magi,
God’s glory that night,
All welcomed the Christ Child,
As, humbled by birth,
The hightest of heaven
Lies cradled on earth.
So humble the shepherds,
Who bowed at His feet,
So regal the wise men,
In Jesus they meet,
A rude lowly stable,
A start at His birth,
The wonder of ages
When heaven meets earth.
Lyrics: Leroy C. Webber
Music: John C. Hallett
So Very Small
So very small, so very small,
This Baby Who is Lord of all,
The gift of love
Sent from above,
For me, for me.
So very small, so very small,
That voice is the cattle stall,
I humbly bow
And crown Him now,
My King, my King.
So very small, so very small,
This heart mine, it is my all,
This gift I bring
To Christ my King,
Today, today.
Lyrics: Leroy C. Webber
Music: John C. Hallett
Ruth: "The last song Johnnie composed."
Oh Sing That Name, the Name of Jesus
Lyrics by Leroy C. Webber
Verse One
Oh, sing that name, the name of Jesus,
That name above all names in earth and heaven.
Sometimes in whispered prayer, then loudly sound
I love that name, that mighty name.
Verse Two
It is that name, the name of Jesus.
It conquers doubts and fears and brings us peace.
Adore Him Heaven above, on Earth let praises now begin.
Oh, praise His name.
Verse Three
At His coming that great name was given
By an angel brought down to Earth.
Now the maiden called by God and chosen
Holds the baby in her loving care.
Verse Four
She sings that name in a tender lullaby,
Oh wondrous mystery how can it be?
That precious name I love, that glorious matchless name of Jesus
Oh sing that name.
Verse Five
Proclaim that name, the name of Jesus
Now see the gates of Him swing open wide.
The saints now gather on streets of gold,
In radiant light, Oh what a day!
Verse Six
But still that name, the name of Jesus,
Shall ever reign supreme thru endless time
And all the heavenly host and saints from all the ageless past
Shall praise His name.
Verse Seven
I will be there in that celebration
And I’ll join them in that song of praise
To the Savior who has given salvation
And has brought me to this place of joy.
Verse Eight
Then still that name, the name of Jesus
Will be my endless theme while ages roll
And so I’ll sing it now and raise my voice
And loud His praise.
Verse Nine
Jesus, oh how sweet the name
Jesus, every day the same
Jesus, let all saints proclaim
His worthy praise forever.
Will: Note what John attached to his last will and testament.
Lyrics by Leroy C. Webber
Verse One
Oh, sing that name, the name of Jesus,
That name above all names in earth and heaven.
Sometimes in whispered prayer, then loudly sound
I love that name, that mighty name.
Verse Two
It is that name, the name of Jesus.
It conquers doubts and fears and brings us peace.
Adore Him Heaven above, on Earth let praises now begin.
Oh, praise His name.
Verse Three
At His coming that great name was given
By an angel brought down to Earth.
Now the maiden called by God and chosen
Holds the baby in her loving care.
Verse Four
She sings that name in a tender lullaby,
Oh wondrous mystery how can it be?
That precious name I love, that glorious matchless name of Jesus
Oh sing that name.
Verse Five
Proclaim that name, the name of Jesus
Now see the gates of Him swing open wide.
The saints now gather on streets of gold,
In radiant light, Oh what a day!
Verse Six
But still that name, the name of Jesus,
Shall ever reign supreme thru endless time
And all the heavenly host and saints from all the ageless past
Shall praise His name.
Verse Seven
I will be there in that celebration
And I’ll join them in that song of praise
To the Savior who has given salvation
And has brought me to this place of joy.
Verse Eight
Then still that name, the name of Jesus
Will be my endless theme while ages roll
And so I’ll sing it now and raise my voice
And loud His praise.
Verse Nine
Jesus, oh how sweet the name
Jesus, every day the same
Jesus, let all saints proclaim
His worthy praise forever.
Will: Note what John attached to his last will and testament.
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